
Node Splits

PRG has helped industry leaders with node split projects of varying scope

Node Splits

With streaming services and over the top (OTT) providers and distributors changing the way end users consume content, network capacity issues are a bigger problem than ever before. How can you avoid having an underperforming HFC (hybrid fiber coax) network? The answer is careful and methodical network upgrading and splitting of nodes. By redistributing bandwidth, higher speeds can be made available and the risk of having outages during peak usage periods is greatly reduced. PRG has helped several industry leaders with node split projects of varying scope. Our experienced construction managers and coordinators, advanced routing and scheduling applications, and thorough custom reporting solutions allow you to track your project live and make collaborative decisions with future network health at the center of it all.

PRG’s node split practices include:

  • Establishing and managing schedules
  • Ordering, tracking, and managing materials
  • Identifying nodes for upgrading
  • Creating timelines and priority lists
  • Providing intel and support to design
  • Managing and working within designated budgets and timelines
  • Coordinating with all in-house departments
  • Contractor management
  • Ensuring proper signals
  • Installation management and back end QA/QC
  • Unbiased third-party validation in conjunction with billing and invoicing
  • Customized reporting, data management, project associated costs, and live project tracking

To contact our sales team, call 910-228-9304